Poster presentations Τreatment of T1 nonmelanoma skin cancer of face with grafts The role of human papillomavirus in head and neck cancer Reirradiation of head and neck cancers survival outcome and prognostic factors Irradiation techniques for treatment of the thyroid cancer Advanced radiotherapy techniques The results of our clinic in application of fine needle aspiration biopsy (f.n.a) in head and neck swelling Postoperative radiation therapy for parotid adenoma toxicity and local control outcomes Tolerance and effectiveness of concurrent chemo-radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer – our experience Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor a rare head and neck malignancy Μελανώματα κεφαλής και τραχήλου Σαρκώματα κεφαλής και τραχήλου και ανασκόπηση της βιβλιογραφίας