Καλωσόρισμα από τον πρόεδρο της ΕΕΟΚΤ
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the distinct pleasure to invite you to participate in the second “Multidisciplinary Conference on Head and Neck Cancer” with international faculty participation that will be held from September 15-16, 2017 at the «Ν. LOUROS», Conference Center, Mitera Hospital in Athens, Greece. This conference is organized by the Hellenic Society of Head and Neck Oncology (HeSHNO), a non-profit scientific organization that supports medical education.
Our Conference aims to be a major event in Greece in promoting multidisciplinary approach,which is key for the successful management of a highly complicated and challenging disease, such as head and neck cancer. The Hellenic Multidisciplinary Conference will provide a unique forum for the dissemination of the most up-to-date knowledge and cover state-of-the-art and emerging concepts in molecular biology, diagnosis, and treatment, having a diverse faculty representing all specialties involved in the management of head and neck cancer. The scientific program features invited lectures, keynote lectures, round table discussions, and multidisciplinary tumor boards. Our meeting will facilitate interactions among the various disciplines and the participants in order to promote in-depth analysis of important recent developments in the field of head and neck oncology.
I hope that the rich scientific program in addition to the cultural attractions of the city Athens will make you join us.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Athens!
Prof. Athanassios Argiris
Chair of the Organizing Committee
HeSHNO President